Vertical Search & Chat

An intuitive Vertical Search module for all document-centric processes, that helps you find, organize, and process all your documents without any hassle.

A Powerful and Intuitive Vertical Search Module that Puts you in the Driver's Seat. Search, Filter, Query and Categorize Documents to Find Anything you Need to Know.​

Simplify your Research with Next-Gen Document Intelligence through ChatGPT-like interface

A simple yet powerful interface that streamlines all your document-related processes through two ways - search-query interface and a ChatGPT-like interface. This helps you get the most out of your documents.​

The Vertical Search pane is a one-stop solution for working with many documents - it helps you categorize your documents based on requirements and turn them into knowledge. Also, provides an intelligent search capability that allows you to find any document instantly.

With the Chat pane, you can "live-chat" with documents, images, audio files etc. from any source – the documents can be ingested from Google Drive, Sharepoint etc. or be intelligently crawled from the web. The responses received are real-time and generated from multiple documents (generative output). The underlying Large Language Model (LLM) enables the natural language query and response or conversation format to derive Document Intelligence. All responses have deep-linking to source – users can click and directly go to the part of the documents from which the responses were generated. This is a new, powerful way for you to research and analyse information from complex documents in an easy, intuitive manner.

Users can opt to use the chat interface as well as the Search-Query pane to derive maximum value from their documents & web data.

Document Exploration

Document Exploration

Search through all your documents in one place, with cognitive search capability.

Save Time and Effort

Save Time and Effort

Save time by finding the right document in a pile of documents faster with the integral query & filters options.

Actionable Insights

Actionable Insights

Unique features like dashboard and analytics to make informed decisions quicker than ever before.

Eliminate the Guesswork

Eliminate the Guesswork

Quickly find your document before opening it with our document list view. You'll never have to guess again if the document is what you're looking for.

Vertical Search made simple with Botminds

Ready to go solution for all the documents present at the enterprise level. Botminds Vertical Search module enables users to find documents, files, and information in a few clicks. Vertical Search is an end-to-end knowledge management system that empowers users to search, organize, analyze and re-use documents in one place.

 Intelligent Process Automation

See Botminds Platform In Action

Learn how Botminds Intelligent Document Process can drive ROI, reduce costs, and save time for your business.
