AI Orchestration

Solve advanced AI problem with no-code model building and orchestration.

Get to the exact text with model orchestration

AI orchestration simplifies the process of locating the appropriate text from a heap of documents. Easily orchestrate your solution, while our models seamlessly interact with each other in the background to find the text of your interest.
Advanced AI

Advanced AI

Get the most advanced intelligence by composing various simple models with drag and drop UX for orchestration.

Re-usable models

Re-usable models

Reuse the existing and custom models for related problems and get the necessary AI in minutes.

AI based filtering

AI based filtering

Filter all the noise and irrelevant content and get the right one by passing through custom orchestrated AI pipeline.

Fast scoring API

Fast scoring API

Enjoy the lightning speed inference API with the help of integrated model pipeline.

Accurate predictions with easy AI orchestration

Get accurate predictions with stacked models, configured using a simple point and click UI or JSON editor for power users.

Pre-built models ready to be orchestrated

Pre-built models ready to be orchestrated

These models can be added to your custom pipeline instantly to read, understand various layouts, paragraphs, pages, tables, forms etc to extract information.

Hierarchical model pipeline

Hierarchical model pipeline

Helps to create any directed acyclic graph of models to build advanced AI pipeline to process documents intelligently.

Customize to your needs

Customize to your needs

This lets you build a custom solution for any document processing problem by combing all modular AI models.

See Botminds Platform In Action

Learn how Botminds Intelligent Document Process can drive ROI, reduce costs, and save time for your business.
