Botminds REST API reference

26 February 2025

REST APIs are service endpoints that support sets of HTTP operations (methods), which provide create, retrieve, update, or delete access to the platform. This article walks you through:  

  • The basic components of a REST API request/response pair. 
  • Overviews of creating and sending a REST request, and handling the response. 

Components of a REST API request/response 

An API request/response pair can be separated into five components:  

  1. The request URI, which consists of: {URI-scheme} :// {URI-host} / {resource-path}. Although the request URI is included in the request message header, we call it out separately here because most languages or frameworks require you to pass it separately from the request message.  
  • URI scheme: Indicates the protocol used to transmit the request. For example, http or https
  • URI host: Specifies the domain name or IP address of the server where the REST service endpoint is hosted, such as
  • Resource path: Specifies the path of the api. For example: api/seedpage/{project-id}/getjobsforseedpage be used to query the list a sources crawled owners within the project. 
  1. HTTP request message header fields: 
  • A required HTTP method (also known as an operation or verb), which tells the service what type of operation you are requesting. Botminds APIs support GET and POST methods. 
  • Optional additional header fields, as required by the specified URI and HTTP method. For example, an Authorization header that provides a bearer token containing client authorization information for the request. 
  1. Optional HTTP request message body fields, to support the URI and HTTP operation. For example, POST operations contain MIME-encoded objects that are passed as complex parameters. For POST operations, the MIME-encoding type for the body should be specified in the Content-type request header as well. Some services require you to use a specific MIME type, such as application/json
  2. HTTP response message header fields: 
  • An HTTP status code, ranging from 2xx success codes to 4xx or 5xx error codes. 
  • Optional additional header fields, as required to support the request's response, such as a Content-type response header. 
  1. Optional HTTP response message body fields: 

MIME-encoded response objects are returned in the HTTP response body, such as a response from a GET method that is returning data. Typically, these objects are returned in a structured format as JSON, as indicated by the Content-type response header. For example, when you request an access token, it is returned in the response body as the access_token element, one of several name/value paired objects in a data collection. In this example, a response header of Content-Type: application/json is also included. 

Botminds provides REST API's which provide create, retrieve, update, or delete access to the platform. 

  1. Encrypt Text API 
  2. Login API 
  3. QA Endpoint 
  4. Create Conversation API 
  5. Streaming API 
  6. Chat Audit API 
  7. Chat Audit Export API Response 
  8. Create Source 
  9. Process File 
  10. Process Links 
  11. Check Status 
  12. Get the list of processed documents. 
  13. Get the output JSON for processed document. 
  14. To view the processed document from Botminds Drive 
  15. Adding Users 
  16. Deleting Users 
  17. Creating Folder 
  18. Deleting Folder 
  19. Deleting the Documents  


  1. Encrypt Text API 

The Encrypt Text API allows you to obtain an encrypted text in response to a given input text. 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box
  1. Login API 

The Login API is used to acquire an access token by obtaining user credentials from a signed-in user. 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

 Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box

3.QA Endpoint 

The QA Endpoint allows you to retrieve answers to specific chat questions for a given subscription, project, and prompt. 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

Request Payload:  

Text Box


Text Box
  1. Create Conversation API 

The Create Conversation Endpoint allows you to create a conversation for a prompt. 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box
  1. Streaming API 

The Streaming API allows real-time communication through a WebSocket connection. 

WebSocket Endpoint: wss:// 

URL Parameters: 

  • "<<subscriptionId>>": Unique identifier for the subscription. 
  • "<<finonId>>": Unique identifier for the project. 
  • "<<promptId>>": Unique identifier for the prompt. 
  • "<<conversationId>>": Identifier for the conversation. 
  • "<<userId>>": User Email. 
  • "<<projectUrl>>": URL of the Project. 

Initializing the WebSocket Connection 

To initialize the WebSocket connection, use the following endpoint with the specified URL parameters: 

Text Box
  1. Chat Audit API 

The Chat Audit Endpoint allows you to get the chat audit logs for chat. Toggle the IsExport to true to get the csv export link. 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box
  1. Chat Audit Export API Response 
Text Box
  1. Create Source 

This endpoint will create a source config for processing files. 


Type: POST 

Text Box

Request Headers:  

Text Box

Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box
  1. Process File 

This endpoint process the files using the source config created above. Use AccessKey from the previous response. 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box

Text Box
  1. Process Links 

This endpoint process the Links using the source config created above. Use AccessKey from the previous response. 


Type: POST 

Request Headers:  

Text Box

Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box
  1. Check Status 

Files uploaded in above step goes through multiple process. So we provide an api to check the status of the file uploaded. 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box
  1. Get the list of processed documents 

Get the list of processed documents meta information. This rest api supports pagination. Processed document list can be filtered by dates, users and stages of workflow pipelines. 

  • Count - Number of documents to be fetched 
  • PageNumber - Number for pagination support 
  • StartDate (optional) - Date range filter support 
  • EndDate (optional) - Date range filter support 
  • AssignedWorkflowStageId (optional) - Array of workflow stage ids to be filtered 
  • AssignedUserEmail (optinal) - Array of user emails to be filtered 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box
  1. Get the output JSON for processed document. 

Get the detailed summary view of the datapoints collected from the document that is processed successfully in json format. 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box


  1. To view the processed document from Botminds Drive 

 Get the detailed summary view of the datapoints collected from the document that is processed successfully in Botminds Drive. 

  • FolderPath - Folder Path from Botminds Drive 
  • FileName - Access key of the source config 
  • BlobName - Unique file identifier from Botminds Drive 
  • TakeCount - Number of files 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box


  1. Adding Users 

To add Users to the project 


Type: POST 

Text Box

Request Headers: 

Text Box

Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box


  1. Deleting Users 

To Delete Users from the project 


User-id: MD5 Hash of the user email. 

Type: GET 

Request Headers: 

Text Box


Text Box


  1. Creating Folder 

To create folders in the Botminds Drive. 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

Request Payload: 

Text Box


Text Box
  1. Deleting Folder 

To delete folders from the Botminds Drive. 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

Request Payload:  

Text Box


Text Box
  1. Deleting the Documents 

To Delete the document from the project 


Type: POST 

Request Headers: 

Text Box

 Request Payload 

Text Box


Text Box


 This API documentation provides an overview of the available APIs provided by Botminds. Detailed information on each API and their usage is provided, allowing developers to integrate seamlessly with the Botminds platform. For further assistance, refer to the Botminds documentation or contact support. 

 Note: Replace placeholders such as {{password-text}}, {{encrypted-text}}, {{encrypted-password}}, {{user-email}}, {{bearer-token}}, {{subscription-id}}, {{project-id}}, {{prompt-id}}, {{question}}, {{previous-question1}}, {{previous-answer1}}, and {{answer}} with actual values when making requests or interpreting responses.  


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